Kadabra evolves to alakazam by trading it though it won't evolve if you migrate it to diamond from firered or leafgreen so what do you do? Get a kadabra in diamond trade it to a pearl version take it back and it will be a alakazam.
Yanma can sometimes be found on Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum in the Great Marsh in Pastoria City. You could also catch and evolve a yanma from HeartGold or SoulSilver (found on Route 35 during a swarm) and trade it over to your Pokemon Diamond version. Yanma evolves once it learns AncientPower. You can obtain yanma on Firered or Leafgreen version in Ruin valley and migrate it over to your Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum version have it learn AncientPower...and there you have it, you're very own yanmega.
Kadabra evolves into Alakazam when traded. (Abra evolves into Kadabra starting at level 16). Kadabra is #64 in the National Pokedex, and was introduced in the Generation I Pokemon titles (Red, Blue, and Yellow) where it could be found (Red and Blue Only) in Cerulean Cave, and (Yellow Only) on Route 8. In Generation VI (X and Y), Abra is obtainable on Route 5, but is a very rare encounter. ____ Kadabra does not evolve based on level; you need to trade it to someone else, then it will immediately evolve into Alakazam.
I believe there are a few trainers that have Luminions, or you could battle a friend that has a Luminion, or you can evolve a Finneon.
it's okay the garchomp has to be purely EV trained, the blissey has to go and be replaced with latias, and latios will be great
you can trade it from Pokemon pearl version and if you have diamond you could give that person a stunky cause you cant get one on pearl! riolu 1171 rok on nice Pokemon movies
evee is one you could evolve into espeon
no but can be traded from pearl
um, im not sure, but u could get a smoochum on an out break and evolve it! =)
Yanma can sometimes be found on Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum in the Great Marsh in Pastoria City. You could also catch and evolve a yanma from HeartGold or SoulSilver (found on Route 35 during a swarm) and trade it over to your Pokemon Diamond version. Yanma evolves once it learns AncientPower. You can obtain yanma on Firered or Leafgreen version in Ruin valley and migrate it over to your Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum version have it learn AncientPower...and there you have it, you're very own yanmega.
It evolves with high friendship. It could be to level 50-60. Or you could be lucky and it could happen at level 16-32.
Kadabra evolves into Alakazam when traded. (Abra evolves into Kadabra starting at level 16). Kadabra is #64 in the National Pokedex, and was introduced in the Generation I Pokemon titles (Red, Blue, and Yellow) where it could be found (Red and Blue Only) in Cerulean Cave, and (Yellow Only) on Route 8. In Generation VI (X and Y), Abra is obtainable on Route 5, but is a very rare encounter. ____ Kadabra does not evolve based on level; you need to trade it to someone else, then it will immediately evolve into Alakazam.
I believe there are a few trainers that have Luminions, or you could battle a friend that has a Luminion, or you can evolve a Finneon.
it's okay the garchomp has to be purely EV trained, the blissey has to go and be replaced with latias, and latios will be great
It can evolve Nuzleaf into Shiftry and Gloom into Vileplume. There could be more though.
SoRrY, bUt ThErE iS nO fRoSsLaSs In PoKeMoN dIaMoNd.... but there could be, i may be wrong. but there are many websites you can go to to find out.
Get a friend to trade you a Glaceon from Pok'emon Platinum, Diamond, or Pearl. Either that or you could use an Action Replay. (NOTE: Use the AC at your own risk. It may damage your game or worse!)
You could look for it on the GTS and trade for it there. You could also trade from another Diamond/Pearl/Platinum that already has it. Or, you could use Pal Park and send it over from a Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald version that has it captured. Beware, however, that if you use Pal Park, Groudon CANNOT be returned to the game you got it from.