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Q: How do you get a vtam job on runescape?
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What does VTAM stand for in runescape?

It is the Pheonix gang logo - I'm not sure why it's labelled VTAM but below are the definitions:Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) is IBM's software package that provides communications via telecommunication devices for mainframe ... licensed program that controls communication and data flow in an SNA network. It provides single-domain, multiple-domain, and interconnected ...VTAM = Vile Tough And Mean

How do you get to the VTAM in rune scape?

There is a row of buildings northeast of Varrock's south entrance. These buildings are past the building to the immediate right. One of them should have an alleyway to the west of it with a door to the east of the alleyway. That is the entrance to VTAM. There is also a sign in the alleyway. You enter the door and then go down the trapdoor.

Can i get a real job on RuneScape?

Yes. I make $82,100/year owning a gold farming company on runescape.

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I do not no get a job

How do you get a job at wydins in RuneScape?

You get a job at wydins during the F2P Pirates Treasure quest

How do you get a job with the RuneScape company?

you put out ur 9 incher

How do you work for donie on runescape?

Talk to him and ask for a job. Note: you must have no job currently waiting to be completed.

How do you finish the job in wydins shop Runescape?

Technically there was no job to start with, you just had to go there to get the rum then complete the quest.

How do you work for a company on RuneScape?

If you go on JaGex's main site not the runescape one then look for Job listings and provided you have a few degrees ( success in university for certain parts ).

RuneScape how do you get jobs?

To get a job in RuneScape you must talk to people that are around the Lumbridge area. This is the only place where you can be given a job to complete. They often include things like cooking things to bring back to the person, or bringing them metal bars of some variety. The person gives you a sort of 'To do' list, which tells you what your job is.

Looking for free high lvl rs accounts?

Make one by yourself. Transferring RuneScape accounts is against the rules of RuneScape, and it is not our job here to help you break those rules.

What is better flyff or RuneScape?

Runescape by far, there is so much more that you can do.But Flyff has much better graphics and has more variation (i.e. classes, job changes) and, best of all, YOU CAN FLY.