Go to where you bought it and buy another cape and you'll get another hood.
The items kept on death are based on the high alchemy value of items. In game, if you click on the equipment tab, and then the 'items kept on death' tab, it will show exactly which items will be kept upon death. Most generally there your 3 highest (high alchemy) valued items. Things like a PKers skull changes that number to 0. Remember, if you die you can always retreive your items is you make it back to your place of death before your grave crumbles. If you do lose your skillcape, you can always buy it back from the master for 99k.
You can't.
guthix d'hide,with green h'ween mask
A skillcape can be worn to show off 99 in any skill.
Some of them you get from quests, some from holiday events. And one you can only do if you are wearing a skillcape.
lol ur a nub, go play on silab soft!
If you mean the skillcape, only a member can buy it. If you lose your membership, you can keep it, but once you take it off, you can't put it back on again.
Fletching is the easiest skillcape
There is no such skillcape. The only cape that comes close is the Prayer skillcape, which bears a similar icon to that of Saradomin; see the related link for details. Another cape that is similar (but is not a skillcape nor does it include any skillcape bonuses!) is the Saradomin Vestment cloak.
The items kept on death are based on the high alchemy value of items. In game, if you click on the equipment tab, and then the 'items kept on death' tab, it will show exactly which items will be kept upon death. Most generally there your 3 highest (high alchemy) valued items. Things like a PKers skull changes that number to 0. Remember, if you die you can always retreive your items is you make it back to your place of death before your grave crumbles. If you do lose your skillcape, you can always buy it back from the master for 99k.
Achieve 99 in the woodcutting skill and talk to the woodcutting tutor. to get to the woodcutting tutor from lumbridge court you walk out of lumbridge court. then turn left and go for a little bit. you will see a guy in a woodcutting skillcape. near some trees. talk to him and you can get the woodcutting skillcape for 10k from him.
No, skillcapes are a members-only feature! You can simply get 99 in a skill then purchase a one month membership to buy the skillcape. When your membership expires leave your skillcape on your back and you will still be able to wear it and do the emote in non-member worlds. If you take the skillcape off in a non-member world the only way to wear it again is to buy another membership.
You can't.
I'd say black d'hide full, with spiky vambs, a robin hood hat and a firecape/skillcape. possibly snakeskin boots? armadyl?
I am not sure, but there is a button, under the option "Worn Equipment", where you can see which items you would lose, and which you would keep, in case you die. You can go to a safe place in a PVP world (e.g., Lumbridge Castle), and check it out there.
You can buy them from the Skill Masters for 99k.