Some of them you get from quests, some from holiday events. And one you can only do if you are wearing a skillcape.
Talk to the dwarf near the entrance of the mining guild to retrieve your skillcape.
Firemaking, though it is very time consuming, it is officially the most cheapest skill cape there is available, only to Quest Cape ( Which isn't even classed as a skill cape ).
no you dont. to get a skillcape all you have to do is get your skill lvls like (wood cutting, mining and etc.) and get them to lvl 99. then you get an individual skill cape for each thing, like woodcutting. hope this helped. Wrong they are members only and you have to buy them for 99k which is a bit unfair though. And the skill dungeonearing can get up to 120 in lvl hope my answer helped.
Yes, sadly. Even if you obtain a lvl. 99 skill, unless you are a member, you cannot purchase a skillcape. Plus, they're 99,000 gp (or 99k) a piece. Talk about ridiculous!
Speak to Pikkupstix in Taverly.
You cannot make a master skillcape in Runescape. You must buy it from an NPC by mastering the particular skill to level 99. The NPCs sell the cape for 99k.
no you just need to get to level 99 with that skill
There is no such skillcape. The only cape that comes close is the Prayer skillcape, which bears a similar icon to that of Saradomin; see the related link for details. Another cape that is similar (but is not a skillcape nor does it include any skillcape bonuses!) is the Saradomin Vestment cloak.
Yes, you HAVE to be member to get a skillcape of any type.
None. Skill capes are members-only items.
I'd say cooking or fletching, very fast compared to others. :)
Nothing, you just get to use them all. Also the skillcape emotes are unique, you can't have all of them at once because you can only wear one skillcape. So you can't technically have all of them. - iKnow iType --> aka ~1z Poison~ from Runescape.
The Skillcape of Strength is located in the Warriors Guild on the 2nd floor, past the heavy door. A person with a big battle axe will sell it to you for 100,000gp after you get a Strength level of 99.
slayer or hunting is my favorite skill but i also enjoy smithing(for the gold) and woodcutting
The skill cape costs 99,000 GP.
Some of them you get from quests, some from holiday events. And one you can only do if you are wearing a skillcape.