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Yes, sadly. Even if you obtain a lvl. 99 skill, unless you are a member, you cannot purchase a skillcape. Plus, they're 99,000 gp (or 99k) a piece. Talk about ridiculous!

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Q: Are all skill capes members only on runescape?
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Related questions

What skillcape can free players on runescape get?

None. Skill capes are members-only items.

Can free players get a mining cape in runescape?

No. Skill capes are only for members - even in free-to-play skills.

Can a free player can wear a skill cape?

No. Skill capes are members only.

Can you get a firemaking cape on a non members world?

No. Skill capes are members only.

Are there any new runescape skills for nonmembers?

the last skill that was added was summoning,and as usual it is member only as most likely will all other new skills but.. runescape may decide to make some member things(like skill capes) non-members

In runescape which skill capes are f2p?

The only way you can even obtain any skill is that if for example you got a level 99 skill in nonmembers world you can't just buy one from anywhere you have to be a member to buy a skill cape but then if you wanted to for some odd reason cancel your membership eighter way once you are wearing it you can use the skill capes emotes in nonmembers and members world when ever you want to but the capes bonus wont work in nonmembers though.

Do you have to be a member on runescape to get a skill cpae?

Only if it's for a members based skill, otherwise no.

Do you have to be a member on runescape to get any skill cape?

Only if it's for a members based skill, otherwise no.

Can Non Mems Get Skill Capes?

yes you can get skill capes if ur not a member unless it is a memberskill (not sure about the previous answer but i am aiming to find out btw on runescape my name is armerblack so please add me) Now I'm editing this answer... You can get one, but only one non member skill cape. That cape is the cooking cape. (My runescape name is The Joster 6, add me if you want :P)

Can you dye wizard robes in RuneScape?

no. only capes can be dyed.

Why non membes get skill cape?

They can only get skill capes in non-member skills.

Are skillcapes members only in RuneScape?

No, skillcapes are not members-only objects. They are also available to free players as long as you have reached level 99 in a certain skill. They actually are members only, even if you have 99 of any skill. You also need to pay 99k to get it.