by breeding shiny gyrados, only game it works in is pokemon soul silver or just waste
your time in any old pokemon game using an old rod in the ocean dumbo
Get a shiny Magikarp. A Red Gyarados is a shiny Gyarados.
It depends on luck. when catching a magikarp, you have a 1/8000 chance of shiny.
There is no way to get a Shiny Magikarp 100% of the time.
Shiny pokemons are ultra rare.To get a shiny magikarp use your old rod.If your lucky you will get one.If you have shiny gyarados breed it then you can get a shiny magikarp.It will be in gold.
A golden Margikarp is a shiny margikarp, and as with other shiny Pokemon, there is only a 1/1892 chance of getting a Shiny(golden) magikarp. Breeding a Shiny Gyarados or a Shiny margikarp with another shiny Pokemon THAT CAN BREED WITH GYARADOS/MARGIKARP may have a higher chance of breeding a shiny magikarp. You can also trade the shiny gyarados from Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal version.
Get a shiny Magikarp. A Red Gyarados is a shiny Gyarados.
Yes, you technically CAN get a shiny magikarp but its not automatic. You have the same chances of getting a shiny magikarp as you do a shiny Pokemon from any other kind of egg. The parents don't automatically make it a shiny magikarp.
same lvl as a normal magikarp 20 and the shiny magikarp evolves into a red gyrados
yes!? Wha????
go to the lake near twinleaf their you will find the shiny evolved form of magikarp
you cant find a shiny magikarp that is the only Pokemon that cant be shiney i own every Pokemon that is shiny no normal legends and starters all them BUT NOT MAGIKARP
It depends on luck. when catching a magikarp, you have a 1/8000 chance of shiny.
There is no way to get a Shiny Magikarp 100% of the time.
Shiny pokemons are ultra rare.To get a shiny magikarp use your old rod.If your lucky you will get one.If you have shiny gyarados breed it then you can get a shiny magikarp.It will be in gold.
Yes, it will.
A Magikarp can evolve into a red Gyarados. The Magikarp needs to be a shiny Magikarp in order for it to evolve into a red Gyarados. This is due to the red Gyarados simply being a shiny Gyarados.