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telll me how to chat on youtube oh the answer is to get the siny code

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Q: How do you get a shiney Darkrai?
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What is the shiney code for diamond?

diamonds are shiney because it reflects the light and that makes it shiney

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How tall is Shiney Ahuja?

Shiney Ahuja is 6'.

All the legendairys diamond?

Rotem regigigus phione maniphy darkrai heatran dialga palkia if pearl garitiana crisalia shaiman arcias uxie mespret azelf shiney mew and mewtwo if lucky happy i helped

Is Pokemon Shiney Gold free?

No, Pokemon Shiney Gold is not free.

Why do you see your self in a mirror?

Because its shiney :D Because its shiney :D

What is Shiney Ahuja's birthday?

Shiney Ahuja was born on May 15, 1974.

When was Shiney Ahuja born?

Shiney Ahuja was born on May 15, 1974.

Is it shiney or shiny?

Shiny, as is bright, is shiny, NOT shiney as most mistake it for.

How do you know that a Pokémon is a shiny Pokémon?

if when you through the Pokemon out their is sparkles auround it then its shiney also if you look on its stats if there is a star by the picture its shiney (i have a shiney requaza with pkrs)

How do you make your hair shiney?

you make your hair shiney by putting shampoo on your hair which is obvious

Anyone trading a Darkrai shaymin arceus will trade lv 100 mewtwo Dragonite Kyogre manphy dialga or level 90 rayquazza groundon fc 2707 9477 0400 Name Spenny Email

i have a darkrai, shaymin (shiney) and aceus but all i can give is darkrai because i only have 1 of the other 2 but ill battle u to get them in ur pokedex. my msn is but its not workin now so ill meet u on (if ur on) when i get it going