Rooster Sculpture is one of the rare ones for the Soldier Job Tier, you must do many jobs even after you have completed the Tier to get the Rooster Sculpture.
Very unfortunate that there are so many Vaults for the Soldier Job Tier, it makes it difficult.
Buy it in the inventory section, but you need to be in New York! (Seeing as your too stupid to buy a Tommy gun, that's most likely where you are :')
upkeep is how much your weapons use eg a chain gun has an upkeep of 2,500 because you have to keep on buying the bullets, a car needs gas etc
Falsified DocumentsFalsified Documents is required to complete certain jobs in Mafia Wars. You can loot the Falsified Documents in the Underboss tier by completing the job 'Take Over an Identity Theft Ring.
It is a new version of the original version of Mobsters. At the moment it is still is the position of Beta ---- Fun. Best RPG about gangsters. Definitely better than Mafia Wars. Try it.
all sculptures are random loot drops....achieved by doing jobs on the SOLDIER tier.
There are various things that you can do to get a dragon sculpture in Mafia Wars. For example, you can destroy an enemy mob hideout.
A person can get the dragon sculpture in Mafia Wars by completing jobs in the soldier job tier. This tier in found in New York.
A person can get the tiger sculpture in Mafia Wars by completing jobs in the solider job tier. This tier is playable in the city of New York.
Tiger Sculpture Steal a Tanker Truck
Dragon Sculpture Clip The Irish Mob's Local Enfocer
soldier sten<--
Museum Job
you do jobs or put it on your wish list
You can receive the monkey sculpture by doing jobs under the Soldier tier or you can ask one of your mafia members to send it to you as a gift.
There is no specific job to get it. You just have to keep doing jobs in Soldier tier until you get it :(
I got one in the Soldier job tier.