get the protector item and make your rhydon hold it and then trade and bammmm! you have one.
bertha at the Pokemon legue has it
no you need to catch a rhydon and trade it when it holds the protector
You cannot get Rhyperior in Pokemon emerald as he is only in Pokemon diamond and pearl.
you give rhydon the protector then you trade him to a friend then get the friend to trade him back and you have your self a rhyperior
Rhyperior is a 4th generation Pokemon and therefore yo are not able to attain this in fire red. Diamond and Pearl however do have Rhyperior.
You get your Rhyhorn to evolve into a Rhyperior.(Pokemon 188 is Rhyperior)
bertha at the Pokemon legue has it
Trade Rhydon while it holds this to get a Rhyperior
no you need to catch a rhydon and trade it when it holds the protector
The only Pokemon who learns it is Rhyperior (lv 61). You get him by trading a Rhydon to a friend with the hold item Protector attached.
You can't catch a Rhyperior. What you can do to get one is by catching a Rhydon at Victory Road, attach a Protector to it (found in Iron Island) and trade it. Then it will evolve.
You cannot get Rhyperior in Pokemon emerald as he is only in Pokemon diamond and pearl.
its realy great xD
D/P Quagsire Hippowdon Sudowoodo Whiscash Golem Platinum Gliscor Hippowdon Rhyperior Whiscash Golem
you give rhydon the protector then you trade him to a friend then get the friend to trade him back and you have your self a rhyperior
When you reached your 21st battle you will battle Palmer and his Pokemon are: Dragonite, Rhyperior, and Milotic When you reached your 49th battle you will battle him again and his Pokemon are: Heatran, Regigigas, and Cresselia
Rhyperior is a 4th generation Pokemon and therefore yo are not able to attain this in fire red. Diamond and Pearl however do have Rhyperior.