You cannot get Rhyperior in Pokemon emerald as he is only in Pokemon diamond and pearl.
You can't get rhyperior in emerald because it didn't exist yet until diamond and pearl came out.
you can't get a protector in Emerald. The Protector evolves Rhydon into Rhyperior, who is a Generation IV (Sinnoh) Pokemon.
Theres no rhyperior in hoenn so theres no protector but you can get it in diamond and pearl
Rhyperior is a 4th generation Pokemon and therefore yo are not able to attain this in fire red. Diamond and Pearl however do have Rhyperior.
there is no mist stone in Pokemon emerald
You can't get rhyperior in emerald because it didn't exist yet until diamond and pearl came out.
you can't get a protector in Emerald. The Protector evolves Rhydon into Rhyperior, who is a Generation IV (Sinnoh) Pokemon.
Theres no rhyperior in hoenn so theres no protector but you can get it in diamond and pearl
Rhypherior wasn't created yet when Pokemon Ranger came out.
You get your Rhyhorn to evolve into a Rhyperior.(Pokemon 188 is Rhyperior)
where can i find groudan in Pokemon emerald
Rhyperior is a 4th generation Pokemon and therefore yo are not able to attain this in fire red. Diamond and Pearl however do have Rhyperior.
there is no mist stone in Pokemon emerald
you cant get reggiggas in Pokemon emerald
You'll need to trade for it, because it isn't on the maps.
You cannot find an infernape in Pokemon emerald for that Pokemon you need Pokemon platinum, pearl or diamond.
You can't find a Dawnstone in Pokemon Emerald