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Rose bushes may attract a rabbit but it may just come on its own.

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Q: How do you get a rabbit on simanimals for DS?
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SimAnimals happened in 2009.

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You can get it from under a tree sometimes just lift up the tree. Hope this helps

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SimAnimals was created on 2009-01-21.

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You cannot get a rabbit in Harvest Moon DS Cute.

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You can't breed the raptor because it is genderless. I may be wrong but i have never came up with an option to breed it.

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In Sim Animals how do you get a rabbit hole?

In "SimAnimals," rabbit holes are created by placing certain objects that serve as homes for specific animals, like a burrow for rabbits. To attract rabbits, you can place vegetation or items that rabbits like near the rabbit hole, such as carrots or lettuce. The rabbits will then be drawn to the area and may choose to make the rabbit hole their home.

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What are all the animals in simanimals wii?

the animals of simanimals are squirrels, robins, dogs, cats, possums, crows, grizzly bears, wolves, deer, mice, rats, boars, rabbit, fox, (cheat code animals: panda, ferret, red panda) weasels, raccoons, doves, geese, ducks, beavers, hedgehogs and when i find more animals, ill type them in here.

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Where is Luigi's last rabbit in Super Mario 64 DS?

on top of the castle