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hween event (its too late to get it now)

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Q: How do you get a pumpkin mask in runescape?
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Is there a runescape 2?

There is currently a Runescape 2 and it is a popular MMORPG. You can play it at the website It is a F2P (Free to play) and P2P (Pay to play). There was originally Runescape 2, but they renamed runescape 1 "Runescape Classic" and named runescape 2 just "runescape". Runescape classic is runescape 1. Runescape is runescape 2, but they dont call it 2, well most people dont, they just call it runescape. Ricco119

When did Runescape come out?

RuneScape Classic: 2001 RuneScape 2: 2004 RuneScape HD: 2008

How do you get to crash island on runescape?

To get to the Crash Island in RuneScape, you must be either in the process of, or are finished with the quest Monkey Madness. Crash Island is used to get to the Ape Atoll. To get to Crash Island, go to the Grand Tree. Then, go to the second level and go east. Speak to the Gnome with a mask on. He will bring you to the Hangar. Speak with the pilot near there, and he will bring you to the Crash Island.

What is the difference between RuneScape Classic and RuneScape 2?

Runescape Classic Has 2D Characters While Runescape 2 Has 3D Characters, you can now only go onto runescape classic if you are a member and have made an account on runescape classic.

Who is the creaor of runescape?

Runescape is currently owned by Jagex Ltd. The first beta version of Runescape called Deviousmud was formed in 1997 by Andrew Gower. The first actual MMORPG was Runescape classic formed in 2001. Runescape classic changed to Runescape 2 on March 17, 2004. Runescape 3 (known as Runescape HD) was made in 2008.

Related questions

Can you wear a Halloween mask as a free player in runescape?

yes you can wear it as a free player in runescape and if you get a mask good on you

Where is the pumpkin mask in the pumpkin patch in poptropica's great pumpkin?

The mask you need is on a scarecrow after you complete Snoopy's Flying Ace adventure. There is no mask in the pumpkin patch. You can create a costumizer version (which does not help on the quest) by pressing the three keys Ctrl+Shift+P, and the same to take it off.

How do you get the pumpkin mask on Club Penguin?

The Pumpkin Mask was given out in the Haunted House at the Halloween 2009 party. I think the Haunted House was for members only.

How do you make a Halloween mask in RuneScape?

You cant make a Halloween mask on runescape they where a Halloween drop and now are millons of coins you will never get one

What are the requirements for frog mask runescape?

Nothing! You get the random event and then you got the mask.

How can you get denulth's mask on RuneScape?

No, but you can get one like it, called Rogue Mask, you will have to look up for details.

When does the runescape Halloween event 2009 start?

It will be on Halloween, October 31.During past Halloween events, rare holiday items such as a pumpkin, a grim reaper hood, a jack o lantern mask, a zombie head, and scythes.

Is there anyway to uncharge a black mask on runescape?

No I don't believe you can.

How do you wear the pumpkin mask on poptropica?

Hold ctrl, shift and p.

Where can you get a costume in Great Pumpkin on Poptropica?

its the mask that you get all you do is just put it on

How do you get a Halloween mask in RuneScape?

You have to buy one, try the ge or the forums.

Where do all the parts of the mask come from catacombs in runescape?

Answer is in link below.