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You have to evolve Nincada. You can't catch it.

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Q: How do you get a ninjask in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Where do you find ninjask in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Bug-Catching Contest on Thursday and Saturday.

Where is nanjaska in Pokemon SoulSilver?

To get a Ninjask, you must evolve a Nincada (Bug Catching Contest).

How do you get Shedninja in Pokemon SoulSilver?

I believe you evolve nincada with an open spot in your party and you will end up with ninjask and shidinja in your party.

What type of Pokemon is Ninjask?

Ninjask is a Bug and Flying type pokemon.

How do you evolve ninjask on Pokemon Soul Silver?

"ninjask doesn't evolve but if you have a empty slot of your Pokemon team when nincada evolves to ninjask a shedinja will appear in the empty slot."

What is the fastest Pokemon in emerald?

The fastest Pokemon you can get is ninjask catch a nincada train it to level 20 and it will become ninjask.

In Pokemon Emerald how do you get ninjask to involve?

ninjask does not evolve....but if you evolve nincada he will evolve into ninjask if you have a spare slot in you'r party then you will get shedinja

How does Nincada evolve in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

Nincada evolves into Ninjask at level 20. If you have an empty slot in your party and an extra pokeball (a normal pokeball) Nincada will also evolve into Shedinja (It evolves into two Pokemon at once)

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Where do you find ninjask on Pokemon ranger2?

in lila forest, use phanpys to knock the trees. hopefully a ninjask will pop out of one!

What level will ninjask evolve?

ninjask doesn't evolve but if you have a empty slot of your Pokemon team when nincada evolves to ninjask a shedinja will appear in the empty slot.

What is the national pokedex number for Ninjask?

Ninjask is #291 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Flying type Pokemon.