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To get a Munchlax in Pokémon Diamond you must slather honey on trees. Every eight hours go back to the tree and receive a small chance of obtaining a Munchlax.

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Q: How do you get a muchlax?
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In Sunnyshore City is the big rock in the water a Pokemon?

No. It's a Rock. But it does look like a giant Muchlax!

What Pokemon come to honey trees?

Pikachu! You can catch Pikachu in the trophy garden in Pokemon Mansion, that's below Hearthome City. Aipom, muchlax also come to the honey trees Wurmple appears 30% of the time, Cascoon/Silcoon (depending on your version) appears 15% of the time, Combee appears 20%, Aipom, Burmy, and Cherubi are 10% each, Heracross is 4%, Munchlax is 1%.

How come you cant breed a munchlax with a Ditto?

Any Pokemon that can breed can breed with Ditto. However, certain Pokémon cannot breed. This includes 'legendary Pokémon' like Lugia or Uxie and 'baby Pokémon' such as Pichu or Tyrogue. Ditto cannot breed with another Ditto, and also the Pokemon Nidorina and Nidoqueen cannot breed. Muchlax is a baby, so you must evolve him into a Snorlax before it can breed with Ditto.

What Pokemon are compatible with cut?

oddish, linoone, zigzagoon, blaziken, combusken, chimchar, monferno, infernape, piplup, prinplup, empoleon, mightyena, marill, azumarill, gligar, gliscor, lickylicky, lickitung, skitty, delcatty, nuzleaf, shiftry, lombre, ludicolo, psyduck, golduck, buizel, floatzel, kabuto, kabutops, omastar, croagunk, toxicroak, machoke, machop, machamp, medicham, meditite, bibarel, bidoof, nincada, shedinja, ninjask, eevee, absol, sandshrew, pinsir, heracross, victreebel, grovle,treecko, sceptile, vleplume, cacturne, cacnea, breloom,cleffa, miltank, ratatta, whismur, girafarig, vigoroth, slakoth, slaking, glameow, purugly, wigglytuff, cranidos, weavile, sneasel, skorupi, seviper, makuhita, hariyama, sandslash, gloom,diglett, dugtrio,meowth, persian, mankey, arcanine, weepinbell, bellsprout, slowpoke, slowbro, farfecth'd, chansey, rhydon, kangaskan, scyther, tauros, snorlax, muchlax, ledian, aipom, ambipom, granbull, ursaring, teadiursa, snubull, tyrogue, blissey, torchic, shroomish, loudred, exploud,roselia, budew, roserade, carvanha, sharpedo, spinda, trapinch, vibrava, flygon, corphish, crawdaunt,anorith, kecleon, bagon, shelgon, salamence, metang, metagross, kricketot, kricktune, rampardos, burmy, wormadam, mothim, vespiquen, cherubi, cherrim, buneary, lopunny, stunky, skuntank, happiny,gible, gabite, garhomp, riolu,drapion, carnivine, snover, abomasnow,gallade, and giratina. there? happy?

Related questions

How do you get muchlax HeartGold?

Breed snorlax

How do you get Muchlax in pokemon Platinum?

on a honey tree

Where do you get muchlax?

you find it in honey trees, rarely though...

What level does muchlax evolve on Pokemon pearl?

It has to have happiness. :)

Munchlax evolves in to?

muchlax evolves in to snorlax with high freindship

What number is munchlax in the national pokedex?

In the National Pokedex Muchlax is number 446.446

How do you get muchlax in Pokemon LeafGreen?

If you want to get a munchlax, you have to switch to the Sinnoh or Unova regions.

Where can you find a munchlax on Pokemon platimun?

Here's how you do it: 1) Slather a tree which is NOT the previous one you slathered, check back in six hours of game play and check if you got a muchlax. If not go to step 1, if yes go to step 2. 2) Once you have encountered a muchlax capture it, then slather the same tree. Wait 6 hours, if you get munchlax again repeat this step again, otherwise repeat step one. If you do not go to a different tree after failing to get a muchlax your chances are .01%. If you go to a different one after failing to get a munchlax your chances are 1%. If you do get a muchlax, going to a different tree your chances are 1%. If you do not go to a different tree after getting a muchlax your chances are 91% that you will get munchlax again.

How do you evolve muchlax in mystery dungeon?

You Dont have to get a Munchlax in Pokemon Red Rescue Team..

Where can you find muchlax?

Usually you can find it if you put honey on a tree or breed a snorlax to get one.

How do you get a muchlax in Pokemon pearl?

use honey trees and wait 6 hours 15 minutes.

What lv does muchlax evovle?

Munchlax evolves by happiness. As long as it has a high happiness and it levels up, then it will evolve.