To get a Munchlax in Pokémon Diamond you must slather honey on trees. Every eight hours go back to the tree and receive a small chance of obtaining a Munchlax.
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No. It's a Rock. But it does look like a giant Muchlax!
Pikachu! You can catch Pikachu in the trophy garden in Pokemon Mansion, that's below Hearthome City. Aipom, muchlax also come to the honey trees Wurmple appears 30% of the time, Cascoon/Silcoon (depending on your version) appears 15% of the time, Combee appears 20%, Aipom, Burmy, and Cherubi are 10% each, Heracross is 4%, Munchlax is 1%.
Any Pokemon that can breed can breed with Ditto. However, certain Pokémon cannot breed. This includes 'legendary Pokémon' like Lugia or Uxie and 'baby Pokémon' such as Pichu or Tyrogue. Ditto cannot breed with another Ditto, and also the Pokemon Nidorina and Nidoqueen cannot breed. Muchlax is a baby, so you must evolve him into a Snorlax before it can breed with Ditto.
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