the north route of solaceon town and you can see it by battling a milk maid in the house on the same route
shuckle qwuilfish miltank lots of johto pokemon.
Route 38,39,47. their uncommon
On the way to Olive town/city
you can find miltank at route 209 with pokeradar (2%), and route 210 (south) also with pokeradar (2%)
route 209 and 210
route 210 (solaceon side)
Route 210 South (Poke-Radar)
A milktank is right above sicone town.
Miltank is a Normal type pokemon.
the north route of solaceon town and you can see it by battling a milk maid in the house on the same route
You can't find miltank anywhere on ruby only colosseum can get miltank.
yes, you can find miltank on route 209 and 210.
No. Miltank doesn't evolve. As of Generation V, Miltank has no evolutionary relatives.
Miltank does not have an evolution form in any of the Pokemon games.
I found the Pokemon "MILTANK" at route 38, 39, and 47.
Miltank is only a normal type. Miltank does know other types of moves, like the rock type move Rollout. Miltank is the best Pokemon of the normal-type gym in Goldenrod City.