To catch a mightyena get a level.20 0r .15 Pokemon and catch poocheyena then give it exp. share go to the lilycove city and go left and there you will see trainers defeat them you get it to lv. 20 and there!you have that Pokemon.
Keckleon Poocheyana Lombre Mightyena
No. Poochyena evolves into Mightyena, then you're done.
I think its Crunch or Dig or Double edge or Earthquake. I can higly recement Mightyena, for your Pokemon team!
I got him from my Sapphire game by transfer on DS or DS Lite, but not DSi. Along with my amazing Blaziken, Mightyena, and the legendaries. Except Rayquaza, because I could not get him.
Find and then catch
in Pokemon sapphire poochyena evovles to mightyena
Keckleon Poocheyana Lombre Mightyena
you can catch a poohcyeana then evolve
Mightyena is a Dark type pokemon.
Mightyena is a dark type Pokemon from the Hoenn region. It is the evolved form of Poochyena.
theres no shadow mightyena on Pokemon xd but there is a shadow pochyena
Use the pokedex to find the area for mightyena then stay in the area to find it and start catching it.
Mightyena doesn't learn the move crunch in Diamond and Pearl. I think it does in ruby sapphire and emerald.
No, Mightyena must be traded from another version.
No. Poochyena evolves into Mightyena, then you're done.
mightyena doesn't evolve on Pokemon pearl, he doesn't evolve in any Pokemon game!
I think its Crunch or Dig or Double edge or Earthquake. I can higly recement Mightyena, for your Pokemon team!