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Ya gots ta get it in a twade!

I know for sure that there's some on Island 4 in the water near icefall cave. (Leafgreen)

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Q: How do you get a marill in pokemon FireRed?
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Can you catch marill on Pokemon FireRed?

no sorry you can only trade it from leaf green or hack your game !

Where do you get marill in Pokemon FireRed?

do the elite 4 then go to 7 island and fish near the unkown caves

Were to find a marill on FireRed?

Trade from leafgreen

What is evolution cycle for the Pokemon marill in LeafGreen?

Marill evolves to Azumarill and its preevolution is Azurill.

How do you evolve marill in Pokemon diamond?

Marill evolves into Azumarill at level 18.

When does the Pokemon marill evolve?

Azurill > Happiness > Marill > lvl 18 > Azumarill

What level does Marill evolve in Pokemon?

Marill evolves into Azumarill at Lv 18.

How do you get an Azurill if you have a female and a male Marill?

AzurillBreed a female Marill holding a Sea Incense with a male Marill at a Day Care. This works in FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, Saphire, Emerald, Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum.

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Marill evolves into Azumarill at level 18.

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Marill evolves into azumarill at level 18

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