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There is a 5% chance a Magnemite or a Magneton at the Power Plant is holding you either have to catch some and hope one of those is holding one or use thief until they give it to you...

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4y ago

Well, actually, in FR/LG it has to be found on a wild Magneton. You can find them between levels 31 and 34 in the Power Plant (otherwise you have to wait until Cerulean Cave). It is a good strategy to catch a Magneton or Magnemite first that has Magnet Pull and lead the team with it for a 50% increased encounter rate with STEEL types, making you therefore more likely to encounter Magneton so it will take less time to find one with a magnet. Keep an open spot on your team and restart the game every time either your Magnet Puller gets trapped by a magnemite or the magneton you encountered and caught came empty-handed.

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Q: How do you get a magnet in Pokemon FireRed?
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