You get a magby (or an evolution) and you get a ditto, and you breed them in the day-care center
You breed two Magmars (a male and a female) in the Pokemon daycare in Solaceon Town. ~=)
First you need a magmar leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness can get magmar trade magmar to ruby then breed it hatch the egg to receive magby.
i think it matters what Pokemon you have like if you have Pokemon like magby you walk less steps but if you don't have Pokemon like magby you walk more steps[1ooo i guess]
In Pokemon Platinum it takes approx. 6613 +/- 30 steps.
If you breed magmar and ditto, you will get and egg that will hatch into magby.
yes, the Pokemon isn't determined until you get the egg, so just save before you get it and then keep hatching it until you get the Pokemon you want. (Elekid, Smoochum, Igglybuff, Magby, Tyrogue, Pichu, Cleffa)
you can by getting an egg
If you breed magmar and ditto you will receive an egg hatch it to get magby.
Get an egg from ditto and magmar put together, when it hatches u get magby. Easy
you might mean magby. You can go to Fuego Ironworks and you can find a magmar. you can breed it and get a magby egg.
First you need a magmar leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness can get magmar trade magmar to ruby then breed it hatch the egg to receive magby.
You breed two Magmars (a male and a female) in the Pokemon daycare in Solaceon Town. ~=)
Breed Magmar with something else in the daycare I do believe.
No but you can get one only from an egg that came from a magmar and a ditto.
You have to trade it from somewhere else. I think you get Magby instead of Togepi in LeafGreen in the Water Labrinyth.You will need to breed a magmar you can get one from leafgreen or Pokemon xd gale of darkness, then hatch the egg to get magby.
i think it matters what Pokemon you have like if you have Pokemon like magby you walk less steps but if you don't have Pokemon like magby you walk more steps[1ooo i guess]
Use a slugma or magby. Put the slugma/magby next to the egg in the party screen. They know Flame Body, which is know to make eggs hatch faster.