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Trade it in from another game.

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Q: How do you get a johto starter in Pokemon platinum?
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How do you get another starter in Pokemon Platinum?

You can get another starter if you get all the sinnoh pokemon. Proffeser rowan will ofer a johto starter.

Trade johto starters platinum?

Obtain 200 Pokemon in Pokemon ruby, sapphire or emerald, then go to professor birch and you get to choose one of the johto starters, then you migrate the starter you chose to Pokemon, diamond, pearl, or platinum.

Where can you find a trainer in Pokemon platinum that has a johto starter Pokemon?

well, you can see a trainer with it in the battle tower/battle foniter

How do you catch Bulbasaur in Pokemon platinum?

Bulbasaur is a starter for the Johto Region, so you cant catch him in the Sinnoh.

What is the Pokemon platinum action replay code Catch any starter from Johto.?

there is'nt an action replay code

Who has a Johto starter Pokemon they will trade me in platinum I can give any other starters plus a manaphy and level 100 Empoleon.?


How do you get to johnto in Pokemon Platinum?

u don't go to johto in Pokemon platinum

What Pokemon do you NOT need in emerald to get a johto starter by completing the Hoenn pokedex?

You only need to get all hoenn Pokemon to get johto starter It's a pain! :(

Is Charizard a legendary pokemon?

No it is a starter in the johto region.-evolved from a starter

In Pokemon fire red how you get johto starter Pokemon?

you cant sorry

Where do you find chikorita?

In the Johto region you have to get it as a starter Pokemon

What is the strongest starter Pokemon in Johto?

It is a completely a opinion