You can buy it from the Grand Exchange, or make it by using sand and soda ash on a surface. Fritz the glassblower, on Entrana Island, has to teach you how to do it first.
It requires 49 Smithing to make the steel frame (Steel Bar) and 49 Crafting to make the glass lens (Blowing Pipe + Molten Glass (Entrana)).To make Molten Glass:Go To Entrana with a bucket, use bucket on pile of sand, use the bucket of sand on a furnace to get molten glass.
Go to port sarim with no armor or weapons or else the monks won't let you go to the island. Then talk to the monks and they're take you there. The monks are south of red-beard Frank.
About 60 hours with dragon hatchet.
Fractite hatchets, and other fractite items, are items used specifically in Dungeoneering.
You have to use a hatchet for woodcutting.
Entrana, you can get there by boat from port sarim ( monks ).Note: You cant wear armour or wield weapons or certain capes on the island, you won't get permitted on the boat with them.
You can buy it from the Grand Exchange, or make it by using sand and soda ash on a surface. Fritz the glassblower, on Entrana Island, has to teach you how to do it first.
It requires 49 Smithing to make the steel frame (Steel Bar) and 49 Crafting to make the glass lens (Blowing Pipe + Molten Glass (Entrana)).To make Molten Glass:Go To Entrana with a bucket, use bucket on pile of sand, use the bucket of sand on a furnace to get molten glass.
A dragon hatchet is the best hatchet for Runescape it can cut all sorts of wood and ivy realy fast and its a good hatchet to use on ivy. Its price ranges from 1.9 mill-2mill but its worth it. It took me ages to buy it but i got the reasults i wanted and withing a month of getting it im level 80 when i got it i was 68.
You can cut down a magic tree with any hatchet, but the higher level needed to use that hatchet, the faster it will cut the tree i.e. a rune hatchet will cut much faster than a steel hatchet.
Go to port sarim with no armor or weapons or else the monks won't let you go to the island. Then talk to the monks and they're take you there. The monks are south of red-beard Frank.
About 60 hours with dragon hatchet.
You can use hatchets to cut wood in RuneScape. There are different hatchets made of different metals. The weakest is the bronze hatchet, and the strongest is the rune hatchet in free to play, and dragon hatchet in pay to play.
Look at the minimum requirements under "skills"; but always use the highest-level hatchet you can handle. If you have the level to use a rune hatchet, use it, even if a lower-level hatchet also works with willow trees - the better hatchet will be faster.
Lumbridge North, McGrubor's Woods North, Yanille, Entrana - Out of all those the best place is Yanille, It being the closest to a bank, plus fast access for P.O.H owners.