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i would press start nd press triangle only if ur host of a game lobby

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Q: How do you get a good lag switch in black ops?
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How do you not lag on black ops?

get faster internet retard

What is a lag switch on cod black ops zombies?

it makes your player lag so it makes it harder to aim, shoot, run, throw a grenade straight; basicly it makes everything harder by lagging. Trust me, I've gotten lag switch'd once.

How do you work godmode for black ops?

You enable your inner clutch switch pretty easy process if your good.

How do you switch lobbies in black ops?

In the multiplayer menu if you investigate is says SWITCH LOBBIES

How do you turn the power on in Petagon in black ops?

There is a switch in the lab

How do you filter the rating of black ops?

go to options and switch it off

How do you turn on map indicator on black ops?

Turn on power switch

How do you recognize a lag switch?

you can notice when someone is using a lag switch on some games like call of duty 4 modern warfare 2,call of duty black ops,call of duty 4 modern warfare, etc. on any of the games i have listed u can notice lag switch only if your in a match and/or game session. just press the select button on your controller and/or back button to see the score menu. then look to the right hand side of that menu and you will see. some vertical bars that's is your connection. if every other player has a red or yellow bar/bars and only 1 player has full bars/connection it is most likely a lag switch. but u can never be sure.

How do you stop black ops lag on laptop?

Buy more hard-ware to upgrade your computer! Verify that your problem is not from poor WiFi connection speed by trying a wired connection to Hi Speed Cable internet connection on a system whose PC Call of Duty Black Ops does not lag or a system that the Xbox 360 or PS3 console do not lag. If your system continues to lag clean download history and system clean up before you decide it is your laptop's hardware that can not keep up with the game

Where is the light switch in cod black ops zombies?

In the room near the theater

What does scout pro do in Call of Duty Black Ops?

You Switch weapons faster.

Is black ops good on PC?

yes it is good