to get old rod go to dewford town, then to get good on rod route 118 talk to a fisherman, to get super rod go to mosdeep look in all houses
Go to Dewford Town all the way at the bottom, by the gym. There should be a man in a hat. Talk to him, and he will give you an old rod.
every time you see it say got a nibble press a and soon you will hook a Pokemon
By fishing
Once you get a fishing pole, you enter your bag select pole or rod near water then throw pole in water wait for it to say, (...oh! a bite) then you press A this may take several times.
you go to the docks near jubilife city go back into the house talk to the fishermen he will give you a fishing rod
First of all it depends on what route your fishing in but you catch these pokemon: Magikarp, Staryu, Carvanha, Horsea, Psyduck, Goldeen.
every time you see it say got a nibble press a and soon you will hook a Pokemon
By fishing
Once you get a fishing pole, you enter your bag select pole or rod near water then throw pole in water wait for it to say, (...oh! a bite) then you press A this may take several times.
in the somewhat tall grass. or when you are fishing with a fishing pole. or when you run into a Pokemon when surfing on water.
at jubilife or enterna city
you get it in the house on silence bridge
in water by fishing, surfing or diving, and in water institute.
go to oldale and at the top there will be a fisher select him
yes you do need a fishing pole to catch mitotic in Pokemon black but you cant catch that Pokemon you have to catch the first evolvation and then you train it until in evolve into a mitotic
go to the lake of rage
Heck if I know!! Haha