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Q: How do you get a fire dragon egg in dragons of Atlantis?
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How do you tell a rock from a dragon's egg?

a dragons egg glows when put in lava

Where to get black dragon egg on dragon village?

You can get it either by getting Dark Elements, get it by getting a Random Dragon Egg, or you could get it when you "discover" 33 fully grown dragons in your dragon book. If you read the description with the dark shadow of the dragon, it says, "A very rare dragon which cannot be obtained during adventure" Or something like that

How do you get a green dragon?

If you mean to get a green dragon pet, you are required to have 99 Summoning.Once you have this level, kill green dragons - eventually, one should drop a green dragon egg. Take this to an incubator in either Taverley or Yanille; when it hatches, you will have a green dragon hatchling, which will mature into a baby green dragon. Baby Dragons do not fully mature into adulthood in RuneScape.All four chromatic dragons (green, blue, red and black) drop eggs that hatch a dragon hatchling. Metal dragons do not, nor does Elvarg. Hope that helps. :)

What types of Pokemon do the elite four and the champion have in Pokemon fire red?

Elite 4: Lorelei: Ice/Water Bruno: Rock/Fighting Agatha: Ghost/Poison Lance: Dragon (or Pokemon of the Dragon Egg group which aren't Dragons) Champion: Mixed. It's your rival so you know well.

How do you get a vampire dragon in dragon cave?

You can still get Vampire dragons, but you must catch them on the Abandoned Page or have a friend bite an egg and gift it to you. I have heard rumors of cave born vamps, but have yet to see one. Edit: (Serin-no-Kaze) Cave Born Vampires come from any Vampiric Dragon biting a Caveborn egg. As long as the egg is caveborn, the vampire will be. ~ Vampire dragons can only be obtained by hatching a vampire egg, which is done by either A: Getting an egg from a friend and hatching it. B: Snatching an egg off the Abandoned Eggs page. C: Having one of your own Vampire dragons bite an egg, and hatch that one. To get a cave born vampire, you had to catch one on Halloween of '08 and hatch one of those. Any other vamps were eggs bitten by other vampire dragons. All you need to do is get an egg that used to be cave-born before being bitten. Of course, there's only a 50% chance it will succeed. 1 quarter of the time it will die, and the other wuarter of the time it will become a vampire egg, but the other dragons will be disgusted by it and throw it onto the AP. These are NOT zombie or neglected dragons, which are entirely different species.

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How do you get a Luna dragon egg in dragons of Atlantis?

buy it

How do you get lava jaws in dragons of Atlantis?

You have to get a fire dragon egg and make a fire outpost and when you get a garrison in the outpost you can then make lava jaws. but you need 1 valcanic ruin 4 each 1. but getting the garriso 2 lvl10 gives you 5oo or 100 for free

Why will it not let you breed a cold dragon and a fire dragon in DragonVale?

Cold and fire are opposites in the game. When you click on the dragon in the egg market, it will tell you which what that dragons opposite is. It is right above where their incubation time is.

How many egg's does a dragon lay?

Fire breathing dragons can lay up to 3 or more eggs it depends what kind it is.

Where do can you find a fire breathing dragon egg?

Only in books andmovies. Since fire breathing dragons only exist as imaginary animals, their eggs are also imaginary.

How do you tell a rock from a dragon's egg?

a dragons egg glows when put in lava

What dragons do you breed to make jelly dragon?

get an jelly egg

What dragons egg is blue with snowflakes?

The frost dragon's egg is usually blue with snowflakes but they can vary.

How do you breed a blizzard dragon in Dragon City?

It takes a while but there a chance to get it by breeding a fire and water dragon. the cloud dragon is the more common egg you'll get from breeding fire and water.its wrong the real thing is water dragon with flaming rock You get this dragon by breeding a Fire Dragon with a Water Dragon at the Breeding Mountain or Ultra Breeding Tree. This combination may also result in a Cloud Dragon. just breed water and fire dragons to get blizzard dragon. breed fire and water water and fire

In spyro are purple dragons or whatever supposed to be really special?

Purple dragons only are born in the year of the dragon. Only one egg is the purple dragon. They have powers to have all four breath types. Water/Ice, Fire, Lighting, and Earth. Thank you for your question!

Where can you find a dragon egg and keep them?

Dragons do not exist. But lizards that are called dragons are usually sold in pet shops.

How do you breed a fire dragon in DragonVale?

The fire dragon is a base elemental. You first fire dragon much be purchased at the market. It costs 500 in game coins. You must be at least a level 4 for the fire dragon to be available. The egg is gray with red flames. It takes 2 hours to hatch. You can later breed fire dragons. The most effective method is a blue fire (lv 10 left) and a cold dragon (lv 10 right). This method has about a 47% success rate. Of course, breeding 2 dragons of the same type will always result in a 100% chance of hatching that type.