You eat my poo and then throw it up on my black baby child i bought on ebay
The Pokemon that uses the Dubious disk is Porygon2 to evolve him into a porygon-Z
Cheat code of dubious disk is very long but really great so here it is 94005535 FFCF4232
It evolves Porygon into Porygonz.
They are the evolutionary items for porygon.
give it a dubious disk and trade it
The Pokemon that uses the Dubious disk is Porygon2 to evolve him into a porygon-Z
route 225
Cheat code of dubious disk is very long but really great so here it is 94005535 FFCF4232
route 225
It evolves Porygon into Porygonz.
They are the evolutionary items for porygon.
give it a dubious disk and trade it
Yes in route 225...
Doesn't exist.
Yes it does.
That item doesn't exist in leafgreen.
i have a dubious disk i can give it to you send me your F.C and name ok