Care packages can be any thing, predator missiles, radars, it all just depends on luck. And trust me, chopper guns are hard to get!
It is possible. The only way i have ever seen it done before is by a HACK but it is said to be like a 1 to 1 billion chance of getting it in a care package legit.
In terminal, you are supposed to drop a care package right on the right side of the boxes in the direction of going up the slide. After that it is like stairs, jump on the care package and then onto the box on top. Once you accomplished that, aim for the nose of the plane. Jump and climb.
The hardest title to get is droppin' crates. To get it you have to drop a care package on an enemy in the game winning killcam *if you're a noob you could boost for it in 3rd person
The stimulus package and the Resurgence map pack
chopper gunner smart people
you dont its unlimited add me on xbox GT xKoh1TxSn1P3R
Get 50 kills with a Chopper Gunner. You must be prestiged at least once to earn this title.
you can not get a nuke in a care package. the rest of the killstreaks can be found in a care package tho
Yes, you can indeed get an EMP from a normal care package but it is rare.
You have to entirely complete the chopper gunner veteran challenge in the killstreaks challenges. Calling in 25 of them total within one prestige will get it for you, same for all the other moving emblems, just complete the veteran challenge for it.
You can't anymore, Infinity Ward has taken off the nuke in care Package because it was considered to powerful to get from a care package
there is a good bit of them. 1. The Counter UAV 2.The Care Package 3.The Emergency airdrop 4.The Sentry Airdrop 5.Persion Air Strike 6.Chopper Gunner 7.AC130 NOTE: When calling in an Counter UAV it can get shot down by your enemies, so can UAVs my favorite killstreak order is 1. preditor missle 2.harrier strike 3.copper gunner/ac130 I dont think adding a nuke because those are extremly hard to get so what I put is Care package, predator missle, harrier because care packages can get any thing from ammo to EMP and AC130
well, god dosent like chopper gunners so when ever he sees one he takes it down. its rare tho.
Yes. So is a counter UAV.
Yes, unless you got it from a care package.
in mw2 you need to get 10 nukes to get the emblem, i have got 13 nukes camping on ground war, demolition or domination with a noob tube (grenade launcher) with one man army pro, danger close pro and commando pro. the killstreaks should be harriers, chopper gunner and nuke. it does get hard once you come out of the chopper gunner with 5 kills off.