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It is possible.

The only way i have ever seen it done before is by a HACK but it is said to be like a 1 to 1 billion chance of getting it in a care package legit.

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Q: Can you get a nuke from a care package on mw2?
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How do you get a nuke from a care package in mw2?

you can not get a nuke in a care package. the rest of the killstreaks can be found in a care package tho

How do i get a nuke from a care package mw2 ps3?

You can't anymore, Infinity Ward has taken off the nuke in care Package because it was considered to powerful to get from a care package

How can you do the nuke in care package without playing on the computer?

you cant. BUT you can kill someone with the care package to get a nuke :)))))))

Can you get a nuke in a car package on mw2?

No, you may not get a LEGIT nuke in a care package. However, there is a way to mod and get a tactical nuke in a care package, but this will get you banned from Xbox Live. When you get a modded nuke in a care package, it will be reffered to as "Tactical Strike" because the game's code can not identify this killstreak in the care package.

Can you get a tacnickle nuke by getting a care package?

no you carn't it is the only killstreak you cant get in a care package

How do you do a care package glitch?

If you have play station 3 then listen because you need to be on high rise on MW2. you need a care pack and then throw it under the helicopter the you pick it up. YOU GET A NUKE OH F#@K YEA

Can you get a emp in a care package in mw2?

Yes, you can indeed get an EMP from a normal care package but it is rare.

Can you get a nuke from a care package?

Yes you can actually, but is a 1 and 887,004 chance you will.

Can you get a tactical nuke from a care package in call of duty modern warfare 2?

You can't. That is the only killstreak you can't get from a care package.

What is package care?

a box you get after 4 kills in a row. any items except emergency air drop nuke and care package.

What is a CARE Package?

a box you get after 4 kills in a row. any items except emergency air drop nuke and care package.

How many nukes do you have to get to have the nuke emblem on mw2?

To get the mw2 nuke emblem you have to get 10 nukes OVER 9000 joke, 10