get a bucket, go to a fountain or an other water spot, click on use bucket and click on the water.
bucket of water
Mine some clay, pour water(bucket) on it, and then use a chisel on the soft clay.
To get soft clay within Runescape you must first mine a clay rock, located in many mines throughout Runescape, once you have some clay you must get a bucket and fill it with water and use it on the clay.
You make them: -Items Needed- Bucket Of Water Pot Of Flour Fire or cooking stove --------------------------------- What to do: Use bucket of water on pot of flour to make bread dough then use bread dough on fire/stove to make bread.
Assuming that you used the bucket of water with the drain, the key should be here in the mud
use a bucket of water on the drain
bucket of water
Use wheat -> jug/bucket of water and select pizza base
you take a piece of clay and use it on a bucket of water, voila, soft clay.
Silly Question, where the workshop is, go past the water bucket against wall, and your in there.
Mine some clay, pour water(bucket) on it, and then use a chisel on the soft clay.
To get soft clay within Runescape you must first mine a clay rock, located in many mines throughout Runescape, once you have some clay you must get a bucket and fill it with water and use it on the clay.
Anyone can easily make with ground flour with a bucket of water to make the bread dough and then use the on a range to get the bread.
get a bucket of water pour it down the drain and get it in the sewer go to or for quest guides
You make them: -Items Needed- Bucket Of Water Pot Of Flour Fire or cooking stove --------------------------------- What to do: Use bucket of water on pot of flour to make bread dough then use bread dough on fire/stove to make bread.
poo in it how do you ground a bucket of water
Pour a bucket of water.