that seems kinda hard how do you get 130 laff meter points
^^ not my answer but I wont delete it
Bossbot suit is much like the lawbot suit.You go to a person in donalds dock and get a series of missions until you have the suit.Since I recentally got mine i can tell you what the missions are.missions 1-7 or 8 you have to defeat bossbots starting with flunky ending with big chese.Then the rest of the missions you have to get version 2.0 in bossbot Golf.The last mission you go to toon hall and flippy just gives you the last part.Have fun and good luck in the CEO!
you can get up to 100 laff by doing toontasks, and... 7 for fishing 5 for maxing bossbot suit 5 for maxing lawbot suit 5 for maxing cashbot suit 5 for maxing sellbot suit 3 for racing 4 for gardening 3 for golfing ALL together 137 laffs.
in chip and dales acorn acers ^^ not my answer but i wont delete it 1 go to donalds dock 2 go through to chip and dale acorn acres 3 go to chip and dales mini golf 4 once there you'll see a gray tunnel and at top says Bossbot HQ go throught it and your there
when you have enough merits and you have a promotion, go fight the vp and your sellbot cog suit will level up. if you play toontown and you see a toon named "Looney Man", go ahead and become friends with me but ONLY toons that has a payed membership.
There are toontown cheats look on youtube :) "toontown cheats"
You do the factory and win 10 times. Every time you win you get a new cog part and theres ten cog parts.(only for sellbot)
There is no such thing as a bassbot disguise in toontown. There is a bossbot disguise, however. To get a bossbot disguise, finish all the toontasks up to DDL. The last few tasks of DDL gives u the bossbot disguise.
At the moment, Toontown hasn't given toons the ability to "become a cog". You CAN, however, dress up in a cog SUIT, once you have collected enough Sellbot, Cashbot, Lawbot, or Bossbot suit parts. You can start collecting the Sellbot parts right away, but you need to get to Donald's Dreamland before you can start completing Toontasks to collect the Cashbot, Lawbot, and Bossbot suit parts. :) You can only wear your cog suit in the Sellbot, Cashbot, Lawbot, or Bossbot lobbies. Your new cog suit also comes with sweet built-in cog phrases! let me be a cog ples
There are only 4 Cog Headquarters in ToonTown. Sellbot, Bossbot, Cashbot, and Lawbot.
Go to the Bossbot headquarters in Chip and Dale's Minigolf after you have all of the suit parts and are ready for promotion, then go into the brown doors that lead to the mansion. Load the elevator if there is one, and you'll meet him there.
A Flunky. This is a Bossbot Cog. Flunkys are the easiest because they are in your Toon-torial and Toontown wanted to show you an easy start with the weakest Cog.
The tunnel is in Donald Dock. In acorn acres you can gold or go to the Bossbot HQ!
Through chip and dales golf course in donalds dock(see map)
you can get up to 100 laff by doing toontasks, and... 7 for fishing 5 for maxing bossbot suit 5 for maxing lawbot suit 5 for maxing cashbot suit 5 for maxing sellbot suit 3 for racing 4 for gardening 3 for golfing ALL together 137 laffs.
There are 4 Bosses: Sellbot VP, Cashbot CFO, Lawbot CJ, and Bossbot CEO
Well, there are different ways. You can earn a "Cog Disguise" in Sellbot Headquarters by defeating 10 Cog Factories. Each factory you earn a Sellbot Suit Part. With these parts, you can group together with 7 other toons and try to defeat a "VP". That is how you get the Sellbot disguise. The ways you earn Cashbot, Lawbot, and Bossbot are different. For Cashbot you have to help many different shop owners in Donald's Dreamland and they give you 1 of the 12 Cashbot Suit Parts. With these parts, you can team up with 7 other toons also, and try to defeat a "CFO". That is how you get the Cashbot disguise. It is the same for Lawbot and Bossbot as Cashbot, except Lawbot you work on in the Brrrgh, and the Bossbot you work on in Donald's Dock. For Lawbot you try to defeat the "CJ", and for Bossbot, you try to defeat a "CEO", the hardest and most powerful cog. You can never really be a cog outside of the "VP", "CFO", "CJ" and "CFO" except if you cheat and you will be banned from Toontown on that account. I hope I have helped you understand Toontown more.
cog nation is coming after sellbot,lawbot,cashbot,and bossbot field offices come out. in 2021 i think
Alright.Well for the Sellbot suit the first one. you have to go to Sellbot HQ from daisy gardens and defeat the Sellbot factory 10 times. For the cashbot suit, while doing missions in donalds dreamland you'll be offered 12 missions to complete it. For the lawbot suit you will have a series of missions given to you by professor flake in the Brrrgh.14 missions you have to recover a themometer from every street in toontown. Finally for the bossbot suit, you have to vist somebody in donalds dock and first defeat a flunky - big cheese then you just have to defeat V.2 cogs in bossbot HQ until the last mission, you just go to flippy and he gives you your last part. This is the order you get your suits in.And once you have them you can do the boss battles and win things like Sellbot: Vp - win SOS cards Cashbot:CFO- win unites Lawbot:CJ-Cog summos Bossbot-CEO-Fire, for in battle