To get a Boonie on MSP, you go to "Shopping" and click "Pets". Then click on the Boonie. You need to have 900 StarCoins to be able to purchase a Boonie.
no you cant B)
no possible
To feed your boonies on movie star planet all you have to do it click the hamburger in the top left corner.
u buy another one
no you cant B)
no possible
You have to wash it :p
You click your boonie click play then click the ball to return it and play
To feed your boonies on movie star planet all you have to do it click the hamburger in the top left corner.
u buy another one
You just click on the dog picture on the left speech bubble pick on the boonie it needs to be level 3 there should be a dress click on it buy clothes put it on the boonie it needs to be a boonie have fun
I don't think so I am a level 3 with my boonie and no clothes and when I go about when people have the same pet it has the same clothes so my answer is no