just get a colour custom cape and change the colour to black easy
There is a cape that gives the quest for the set...
The vampire cape is a season item that you can get from the Mogloween Season Candy Shop in either the Bakeshop of Horrors (/join pie) or Candy Corn Farm (/join candycorn).
Upgrade shop, or maybe Yulgar's shop. that or if you evil (like me:)!) go to evil show or gravlyn, or if you good (weakest and not cool, unlike dark side is strongest and cooler) go to king alteon or idk where else i have never been completely good:)! but other than that almost every shop in the world of adventure quest worlds:) :)
the most uncommon skill cape is probably the "quest skill point cape" (need name confirmation) as one can only obtain it when one has sucessfully completed all quests and that new quests are always being added, making it difficult to obtain -------------------------------------------- Whoever posted the above information is wrong. The quest point skill cape is not even close to the rarest. When a new quest is added, the quest point skill cape stays in the inventory/bank of the person, so they will still have the cape despite not completing the newest quest. The rarest skillcape would be runecrafting.
300 fu..... days
drop and shop
There is a cape that gives the quest for the set...
There is no non member pet but you can buy parrot cape and that looks like pet but its cape
you can get his sword, cape, and i think you could get his armor and helmet.
The vampire cape is a season item that you can get from the Mogloween Season Candy Shop in either the Bakeshop of Horrors (/join pie) or Candy Corn Farm (/join candycorn).
I use the yearly Black Cape that comes to store every Black Friday. Some other ones could be: Frost Moglin on Your Back (found at Christmas Event) Golden Moglin on Your Back (found at Christmas Event) White Feathered Wings (At yulgar's shop)
you can buy capes in almost all of the shops out there unless its a shop specificly for certain wepons, capes are also pretty frequent drops from monsters if they have a cape or cape-like item on their back.
yes but you'll have to buy it for 2mill and ge a cape that is worth 1mill lol u wasted 2mill!
Upgrade shop, or maybe Yulgar's shop. that or if you evil (like me:)!) go to evil show or gravlyn, or if you good (weakest and not cool, unlike dark side is strongest and cooler) go to king alteon or idk where else i have never been completely good:)! but other than that almost every shop in the world of adventure quest worlds:) :)
Ye olde inn Battleon town square swordhaven
You can't. Only certain classes come with capes.
The tentacles of the Overlord at the Shadowfall shop-- Member only, 1,000,000 gold, forget how much evil rep you need. You buy it from Gravelyn's evil rep shop.