you spread honey on a tree and get munchlax then level it up with high enough friendship
You can only get Snorlax by evolving Munchlax.
I think after you get the National Dex in Sunnyshore City you can Surf to the 'Pokemon Statue' and press 'A' against it and Snorlax will appear.
it will let you breed munchlax's without the full incence you will get snorlax
Breed a Snorlax holding Lax Icense. Or Rarely found on Honey Trees. Hope it helps. -CelestialIllusion
Munchlax evolves into Snorlax via max happiness in Pok
You can only get Snorlax by evolving Munchlax.
uxie,hippotas,hippodon and snorlax(yes he is in platinum).
a snorlax
I think after you get the National Dex in Sunnyshore City you can Surf to the 'Pokemon Statue' and press 'A' against it and Snorlax will appear.
thieve it off snorlax
you should go to youtube for this qeustion
Personally, I like Togekiss, Snorlax, Blissey, Leafeon and others
Snorlax, and Sudowodo can. But Mean Look has the same effect. Zubats and Gastlys can have meanlook.
it will let you breed munchlax's without the full incence you will get snorlax
No. Sinnoh or Fourth Generation Pokemon can only be found in Pokemon Pearl, Diamond and Platinum.
munchlax evolves into snorlax, so snorlax doesn't evolve into anything
To find munchlax put honey on a tree and wait until a munchlax appears or breed snorlax.