impossible! not matter what you can't do it not even with action replay
well the way to have lv100 Pokemon without AR is simple....... RASIE IT!
I'm sure you mean beat and It's not that hard if you either have a few pokemon over lv85 or I managed to do it with my feraligatr on lv100 =] hope this helps!
It is garchomp because garghomp is more powerful dont deny me ive versed a typhlosion lv100 and my garchomp smashed it
Well i've never played pokemon vortex but i'm pretty sure it's the same as any online pokemon rpg game so just get a bunch of rare candies once your pokemon reaches lv100 use the rare candies on them to level them up some more.
It's mewtwo I have one he/her never dies but you have to level him up to your highest level to be the best I have a level 97 Pokemon that's way stronger than mewtwo he's level 80. It depends on level. If you are talking about lv100 it is mew as mew can learn any attack
you have an awesome team but you're using too many legendaries take latios out and put in a electrical Pokemon or a dark Pokemon because you have 3 Pokemon that are legendaries.
darkrai lv 100,giratina lv100,palkia lv100,heatran lv100,creselia lv100 and salamence lv100.
Mewto lv100 Mew lv100 and Ho-oh lv100
well the way to have lv100 Pokemon without AR is simple....... RASIE IT!
arceus lv100 dialga lv100 palkia lv100 darkrai lv100 giratina lv100 deoxys lv100
Only on tuesdays...
You have to love and train your Pokemon.
Pokemon can only go up to Lv100 plus there are no wild Pokemon that are Lv100 unless of course you use action replay.
Level them up.
level them up on your own and slowly
His name is Josh Fleszar hes in port charlotte fl he hacks alot and is beaten always by his rival (not in games but in real life) his team is,Groudon lv100,Ho-oh lv100,Entei lv100,Heatran lv100,Moltres lv100, and Darkrai lv100