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You could try an Action Replay with Pokesav.

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Q: How do you get a Kingdra without trading?
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Can you evolve a seadra into a Kingdra without trading?

Yep with action replay, but if you dont have that then its a no. (:

Is there any hope to evolve a seadra into Kingdra without trading?

No i think u have to trade sorry

How do you evolve Kingdra without trading?

Horsea evolves into Seadra at level 32, and Seadra evolves when it's holding a Dragon Scale and is traded. There is no other way.

How could you get a kingdra in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you get kingdra by evolving your seadra using a dragon scale.Kingdra can be obtained by trading a Seadra while it holds dragon scale.

What can you do with dragon scale emerald?

Evolve seadra into kingdra by trading him when he's holding it.

How do you get kingdra in heartgold soulsilver and can you get it on the pokewalker?

Kingdra is obtained by trading a Seadra holding the item Dragon Scale. It is currently not obtainable by catching in the wild in any game.

Does seadra evolve into Kingdra in Pokemon gold?

Yes, by trading a Seadra equipped with a dragon scale.

How do you get kingdra on Pokemon Silver?

you get kingdra by trading a seadra that is hold "dragon scale" you can get dragon scale by looking in the bottom level of mount mortar you need the HMs Strength, Surf, and Waterfall

What is a Pokemon dragon scale?

An item that, when held by a "seadra" whilst trading it, will evolve it into a "kingdra". (Part of the completion of the emerald pokedex)

What level does sedra evolve in sapphire?

Seadra evolves into Kingdra by giving it the hold item Dragon Scale, and trading it to someone.

What level does seadra become Kingdra?

Just about any level, w/ a dragon scale and a trading it while it's holding that.

I have given my seadra a dragon scale but it won't evovle any suggestions?

Have you ever tried trading it? I did that with my Seadra, and now it's a Kingdra!