You get a Hitmontop by evolving a Tyrogue. Tyrogue evolves on lv20 into Hitmontop by it having high speed and it should evolve into a Hitmontop.
Hitmontop: Tyrouge (pre evolution of Hitmontop) : Scroll Down.
Hitmontop is a Fighting Type pokemon which are weak to Psychic, Fairy, and Flying type moves.
To get a Hitmontop in Pokemon Heart Gold, firstly you must get a Tyrogue, then it will evolve at level 20 into a Hitmontop, though Tyrogue Attack and Defence stats must be equal, if one of the other are not equal, Tyrogue will either evolve into a Hitmonlee or a Hitmonchan. Jacko25
When you get tyrouge from the leader of the fighting dojo, make sure his attack and defense stats are EQUAL. if they are when he hits level 20, he will evolve into hitmontop.
There is no evolved form of Hitmontop. Hitmontop is a fully evolved Pokémon.
Hitmontop is a Fighting type pokemon.
No, Hitmontop does not evolve in Pokémon SoulSilver.
you can't find hitmontop
The only way to get Hitmontop is to evolve Tyrogue.
OF COURSE!! Ditto can be anything hitmontop wants ;) If you know what I mean.
Hitmonlee Hitmonchan Hitmontop If you're thinking of choosing, I recommend Hitmontop.
Hitmontop is #237 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fighting type Pokemon.
Hitmontop: Tyrouge (pre evolution of Hitmontop) : Scroll Down.
Tyrouge evolves into Hitmontop when both Attack and Defense levels are equal and it has reached a certain state of Happiness level. Other than that, Hitmontop cannot be obtained.
You don't have any other chance to get Hitmontop. Many Pokemon you have a second chance at getting in the Snagem hideout, but not this one.
Hitmontop is a Fighting Type pokemon which are weak to Psychic, Fairy, and Flying type moves.