Sorry,but there is no charizard in diamond.The only way to get it is to trade with some one who has it.
There is no way of getting a Charizard in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. You can transfer a Charmander from Fire Red to your copy of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. A Charmander, Charmillion and Charizard can all be found in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver as a wild pokemon.
No you must migrate a charizard from firered or leafgreen.
The Charizard action replay code for Pokemon Diamond is press on Box 1, and choose Slot 1. Then click on Start and choose Select button to activate.
charizard is a fully evolved pokemon.
Charizard is a Fire and Flying type pokemon.
There is no way of getting a Charizard in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. You can transfer a Charmander from Fire Red to your copy of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. A Charmander, Charmillion and Charizard can all be found in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver as a wild pokemon.
Well what i heard you can only migrate from Pokemon emerald to Pokemon diamond or pearl. or you might be able to trade with one of your friends and trade back then you will have charizard or other Pokemon in your national dex.
No, charizard only appears as a starter in the fire red and leaf green games
there isn't one if you heard that from someone they were lying
No you must migrate a charizard from firered or leafgreen.
You can't catch Charizard in Diamond. You'll have to migrate or trade Charizard to get it in Diamond. You can have a Charizard in FireRed/LeafGreen and HeartGold/SoulSilver and X/Y, if you evolve Charmeleon. To get Charmeleon, you need to evolve Charmander or in X/Y you can find it at the Friend Safari. In FireRed/LeafGreen Charmander is a Starter from prof. Oak and in HeartGold/SoulSilver you can get it as reward from prof. Oak for defeating Red.
You ether cheat by using a action replay DS or migrate one from a game where you have a charizard but you have to have the national pokedex
i would try the two methods recommended for getting a black charizard on diamond but if you do not have an emerald game or a diamond game then i have no answer
The Charizard action replay code for Pokemon Diamond is press on Box 1, and choose Slot 1. Then click on Start and choose Select button to activate.
Dark Charizard is just a normal charizard except in the shiny form, thus becoming a black charizard. I got mine from a friend illegitimately, i dont think there is a way to get it normally.
In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, there isn't a Charizard EX. Charizard EX is just a collectible trading card with no relation to the video games. (Except for the Trading Card Game for the Game Boy)