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Answer Trade from PKMN Colloseum.

AnswerYou have to make the eevee really happy with you by giving it vitimans, walking with it, and battling with it and then at night time, raise it a lvl

if you want espeon do the same thing but at day time(3:49-8:00 is umbreon everything else is espeon

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Q: How do you get Umbreon in Pokemon Sapphire?
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Can you get umbreon on Pokemon FireRed?

Umbreon can only be gained from trading from Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Pokemon XD or Pokemon Collosseum.

How do you get umbreon pokemon FireRed?

You cannot get umbreon in firered you need to have ruby, sapphire or emerald give you one or take the one from Pokemon colosseum.

How do you get umbreon in Pokemon LeafGreen and fire red?

sadly you can't, you would have to trade it from ruby, sapphire, or emerald.

How do you get your eevee to evolve into umbreon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Trade it to ruby,sapphire or emerald have them evolve your evee at night then give it back to leafgreen.

What type of Pokemon is umbreon?

Umbreon is a Dark type pokemon.

How you get an embrion on Pokemon FireRed?

To get an Umbreon, you have to trade your Eevee to Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald, because there needs to be time if you're going to evolve Eevee into Umbreon. Keep Eevee with you until its happiness is at its highest, then evolve it with a moonstone WHEN IT IS NIGHT ACCORDING TO THE GAME CLOCK.

Can you get an Umbreon in Pokemon Sapphire?

you cant but if you trade someone who has an eevee you can level it up at a high friend ship level at night or trade someone who has a unbreon

Where to catch umbreon?

I don't know anywhere you can technically 'catch' and umbreon. You can catch an Eevee in the game though to evolve into an Umbreon from the Trophy Garden (for Pearl/Diamond/Platinum I believe you can either trade/migrate from Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, Pokemon Colluseum, FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald or with someone else who has one in diamond, pearl, ect. as well)

What makes umbreon evolve in Pokemon?

Umbreon doesn't evolve!

How do you get a espeon on Pokemon FireRed?

you can't. to get an espeon or umbreon, you need to evolve an eevee at certain time of day. leafgreen/firered don't have clocks. you have to trade the eevee to ruby/sapphire, max out friendship and level up in the pm for espeon, am for umbreon.

Where is umbreon on Pokemon Ranger shadows of almia?

Umbreon is in the ruins somewhere.

Pokemon is umbreon a boy or girl?

well, umbreon can be a boy or girl. but in Pokemon rescues if you're an eevee and evolve into umbreon then it depends on your gender. in the Pokemon pearl and diamond there r mostly boys, well in my game.