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it learns it at level 32

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Q: How do you get Shellder to learn Razor Shell?
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Related questions

When does dewott learn razor shell?

Dewott learns Razor Shell at lvl. 17. (Water) power - 75 , accuracy - 95%

When was Razor shell created?

Razor shell was created in 1865.

What level does oshawott learn razior shell?

Yes, Oshawott can learn razor shell once it has reached level 17.

What lives inside a razor shell?

A razor clam

When does osuwa at evolve in Pokemon Black?

Oshawott evolves into Dewitt at lvl 17...also the time it can learn razor shell.

What is a razor shell?

well razor shell is a attack that oshawott and dewott can use and it paralyses the other Pokemon

Can shellder in Pokemon Yellow learn hyper beam?

yep every Pokemon can

What level does turtwig learn razor leaf?

Turtwig is able to learn Razor Leaf at level 13.

Is Shellder an ugly and slimy Pokemon?

no. Shelder is a Pokemon with a purple shell and a toung sticking out. Its actually quite cute.

Are cockle and razor shell animals?

i do not think so

What moves does Dewott learn and at what levels?

Lv 17 Razor Shell Lv 26 Water Pulse 28 Revenge or Aqua Jet... So you happy now :)

What moves does shellder learn in Pokemon Gold?

Shellder learns Withdraw, Supersonic, Tackle, Protect, Leer, Aurora Beam, Clamp and Ice Beam in Pokémon Gold.