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There are two ways to get Pokemon from events

1. Find an AD for a store (Toys'R'Us, GameStop, etc.) that says you can get a Pokemon from an event. Go to that place and start up the game once you are in that place. Before you hit continue, go down to new game, then Mystery Gift. Tap that option, and then go down to get via wireless. Once you tap it, it will search for the gift. It will go back to the title screen when you obtain the gift, then you hit continue and go to the nearest PokeMart, but before you go in the PokeMart make sure you have an extra space in your party. There should be a delivery man in the PokeMart, standing in front of the counter talk to him and he will give you your Pokemon.

2. If you know there is an event on Wi-Fi, start up the game, but before you select continue, go down to Mystery Gift. Select it, and once you select that option, then tap "Receive Gift". Go down to get via Nintendo WFC, and it will search for a gift and make sure you have a Wi-Fi connection, then it will say "found gift". It will go back to the title screen, and then you tap continue. The procedure is the same as the local store with the PokeMart.

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