You need to trade a Chikorita from Pokemon heartgold or soulsliver
Pokemon Platinum has two different Pokedexes: the Sinnoh dex and the National Pokedex. In the Sinnoh dex, #152 is Rotom. In the National Pokedex, it's Chikorita.
There is no number 152 in the Sinnoh Pokedex however number 152 in the National Pokedex is Chikorita.
152: rotom (platinum pokedex) 152:chickorita (national pokedex) you can catch rotom when you examine the tv in old chateau between 8pm and 3:59am
150=tropius 152=absol 150=tropius 152=absol
152 is rotom.
In the sinnoh pokedex rotom is number 152 but in the national pokedex rotom is number 479 and chickorita is number 152
The 152 Pokemon in the Pokedex is Rotom, not the other Rotom's just electric Rotom
Pokemon Platinum has two different Pokedexes: the Sinnoh dex and the National Pokedex. In the Sinnoh dex, #152 is Rotom. In the National Pokedex, it's Chikorita.
There is no number 152 in the Sinnoh Pokedex however number 152 in the National Pokedex is Chikorita.
Pokemon 152 is Chickoreta
152: rotom (platinum pokedex) 152:chickorita (national pokedex) you can catch rotom when you examine the tv in old chateau between 8pm and 3:59am