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You have to buy it but it Just went in beta its more money :( But classics free Its still fun. :D

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Q: How do you get Minecraft alpha?
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Related questions

What year did Minecraft Alpha come out?

Minecraft Alpha came out in 2009.

How do you work Minecraft alpha?

Minecraft is no longer in the Alpha stage. It has been updated to Minecraft Beta. Update your Minecraft game client.

How do you down grade your Minecraft to alpha?

You need an a jar from alpha stages, which you can get with Minecraft Nostalgia.

How do you make maps for Minecraft alpha servers?

You cannot in alpha

How do you do mp of Minecraft alpha?

You can no longer do multiplayer in alpha. Minecraft has moved to Beta now, so there are no more alpha servers. Update the game, and then you can play multiplayer.

How much is Minecraft alpha?

Minecraft Alpha is no longer on sale, the whole game is fully out. You can get it at the website for about 30 dollars USD.

What is the difference between Minecraft beta and Minecraft alpha?

Alpha was an earlier version on minecraft beta, it has poorer graphics, less blocks and far fewer crafting recipes.

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Do you have to download Minecraft to play Minecraft alpha 1.2.6?

You can't play minecraft alpha 1.2.6. You can currently play minecraft beta 1.8 if you buy the game for $21.95 and then play it in the browser or download it to your computer and play it in an application. Alpha 1.2.6 is long gone, and it is not able to be found anywhere, as far as I know.

Is single player minecraft possible on version 0.3.2 alpha?

Why would you be using 0.3.2 alpha Minecraft? Back then Singleplayer was the only thing you could do.

What is Minecraft classic?

Minecraft Classic is an outdated but free version of Minecraft. you have no health. unlimited blocks. Alpha terrain.

How do you make a slegehammer in Minecraft alpha?

Sledgehammer? That's a mod! Download it on the minecraft forums.