After getting the eighth gym badge, all pokémon will obey you, with the exception of Mew. The only way to make Mew obey you fully would be to use the 'Box 1 Slot 1' Mew cheat on GameShark/Action Replay.
I have a Gameshark and the Box 1 Slot 1 cheat copies the pokemon in question but will NOT make Mew obey. If you have a Gameshark find a version of emerald and warp to Faraway island. Catch Mew, trade mew, copy mew. Now you have many mews and they obey.
You cannot get Mew legit in Pokemon FireRed, for the event for Mew has ended. You would need to use a GameShark or trade for it from Pokemon Emerald.
How to battle mew in Fire Red. I don't know how??!!
A Pokémon does not obey you if it is a) traded from another game or b) carelessly hacked and you don't have the Gym Badge that makes Pokémon of its level obey. This goes for Mew as well.
There is none. all cheats for getting a mew are as fake as Micheal Jackson's nose
Some people say to nickname your starter Pokemon "Mew" and it will play as mew for the rest of the game but I never tested it...
There is no Mew in FireRed or LeafGreen.
There no Mew in firered.
You must capture Mew on Emerald and trade it to FireRed.
You can't get mew in firered or leafgreen.
this happened to me on firered, the mew wil never obey because you have used a code to get it (the same goes for deoxys)
Its not possible to get mew in firered only emerald can via Nintendo event.
Mew cannot be found in firered only emerald can via Nintendo event.
how did u get mew
yes he is
If that is your problem, there's a big chance you've hacked it into your game, or traded it over from someone who has it. Anyway, just like with all other pokemon, you will need to get some more gym badges. Certain badges make pokemon of a higher level obey you. For example: getting the second gym badge will make pokemon up level 20 (maybe 30, i can't recall) obey you. This has no effect on pokemon you caught in your own game, they will obey you regardless of level and gym badges.