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Jeepers' required ingredients are white vanilla icing with a star candy and a sludge fudge.

Plain cake with white icing and 4 star candies and 3 sludge fudges.

add no mixture, put white large icing and 4 stars and 3 brownies

4 Chocolate Chips and 3 big chocolates big icing white

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Q: How do you get Jeepers on moshi monsters cupcake cavern?
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What cupcake do you make for Jeepers on the Moshi Monsters Cupcake Game?

Jeepers' required ingredients are white vanilla icing with a star candy and a sludge fudge.

How do you get Jeppers in cupcake cavern in Moshi Monsters?

put a lot of chocolate on it

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You get all of the moshlings on cupcake cavern if you make the correct cake.

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Lady Googoo is not available in the Moshi Cupcake game in Cupcake Cavern.

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find it at the candy cane cavern its a cupcake making game try to collect all the moshlings

How do you get the tiger on the Moshi Monsters Cupcake Game?

The tiger is named Jeepers. Jeepers' main ingredients are white vanilla icing with a star candy and a sludge fudge.

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You can put anything with gummy worms in it

What owner has Jeepers the moshling on Moshi Monsters?

There are lots of members on Moshi Monsters who have Jeepers. If they are a paid Moshi Member, you can visit their Moshling Zoo to see if they have Jeepers.

What is Candy Cane Cave on Moshi Monsters and is it a code?

Candy Cane Caves is a place you can go to on the Moshi Monsters map. You will find the Cupcake Cavern in the Candy Cane Caves. Click on the Cupcake Cavern to go to the Moshi Cupcakes game. There is no code for the Candy Cane Caves and it is available to free Basic Members and paid Moshi Members.

How do you get a moshling in the Candy Cane Cave on Moshi Monsters?

you have to go on map and then go to the bottom and click on the hut with the cane!