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the ho-oh (mystic) ticket can only be obtained through official Nintendo Events,

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Q: How do you get Ho-oh ticket in Pokemon emerald?
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You can get the mystery ticket in Pokemon Events. You can get the mystery ticket in Pokemon Events.

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you have to get a mystery ticket if you want a deyoxes you have to get a aurora ticket.

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Shut up and listen WHAT the hell is hooh hooh or Ho-Oh is a legendary Pokemon in the Pokemon games Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal. I don`t exually have an answer for the first question though...

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To get the rocket to launch faster on Pokemon Emerald, you need a ticket and a Gameshark.

Where do you get the myistic ticket on Pokemon emerald?

you need a code

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use an AR.

What do you do with the eon ticket Pokemon Emerald?

git a life a