type this code 81h33s45
Getting aurora ticketSorry but the truth is you can not get the Aurora Ticket without going to a Nintendo event.. oh wait there is you need a friend who has been to a Nintendo event and then use the mystery gift option to copy and transfer the ticket to your game.
joyspots is a real place in America u need to go there to get like aurora ticket and stuff
First get a female horsea, or any of its evolved forms, and a male in the dragon group that has aurora beam and/or dragon breath. The female determains what Pokemon is born and the male determains what moves, if any, it learns. It is like normal babies, in which you never know what you're gonna get in the end.
to get the aurora on emerald ruby or sapphire you have to go on mystery gift and go to wonder gift and talk to people. however if you do not have mystery gift go to the poke mart and you will see the piece of paper on the side. answer that with LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL and then she will tell you that you are eligible to receive the mystery gift. save and turn off your gameboy, DS or DS lite and mystery gift will be there.Im sorry but there is no possible way without cheats to get the aurora ticket.you need an action replay or gameshark.and warp to birth island.I think you get it through a Nintendo promotion or something and i don't know where Nintendo buildings are :(
I don't think you can but if you have Deoxsys on Pokemon fire red leaf green or ruby/sapphire emerald then you can transfer it to your Diamond
Aurora ticket is only avaible in leaf green, fire red and emerald. But not ruby or sapphire.
Pokemon will probably make aurora emerald if anything.
How do you get the Aurora ticket in Pokemon Emerald to get Deoxys Give you every possible way?
type this code 81h33s45
The ability to get the aurora ticket
For me i got the Aurora Ticket in the Lilycove Super Mart (Lilycove Department Store) 3rd Floor the lady behind the counter (left lady).she has it on sell for $60000
Use a Gameshark
it helps you get deoxys on birth island
Nintendo event only in UK JOOEDUDE
You have to do somthing with all three games.
You cannot, in order to get Deoxys you must trade.