You have to first get a Gligar on Route 45, and then level it up at night (after it gets dark in the game - usually after 8 PM of its internal time), with held item being Razor Fang.
Source: Bulbapedia.
You don't Gliscor in Pokemon Gold. Gliscor only appears in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/Heartgold/Soulsilver or generation 4.
you could get a gligar but not a wild gliscor
Gliscor is ground and flying, I think
, Growlithe, Arcanine, Omanyte, Omastar, , Ariados, Gligar, Mantine, , Sableye, Baltoy, Claydol, Anorith, Armaldo, Kyogre, Mantyke and Gliscor are all exclusive to Heart Gold.
~Here are some ways to get a Gliscor 1. Go to Poke Transfer to transfer an old Gliscor 2. Transfer a Gligar through Poke transfer 3. Go to GTS and Deposit a Pokemon to get one or Find a wild Gliscor in Pokemon black and white ===================THATS ALL I CAN HELP TY===================
You don't Gliscor in Pokemon Gold. Gliscor only appears in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/Heartgold/Soulsilver or generation 4.
You can't. Gliscor was not a Pokemon before diamond and pearl. sorry. only in pearl,platnium,diamond,heartgold,soulsilver
you cannot get gliscor as your partner Pokemon you cannot get gliscor as your partner Pokemon
you could get a gligar but not a wild gliscor
Gliscor is ground and flying, I think
Since Gliscor is weak to Water and Ice moves, a Water-type is required in your team.
Level up a Gligar while it is holding a Razor Fang.
Gliscor is #472 in the national pokedex, and it is a Ground-Flying type Pokemon.
, Growlithe, Arcanine, Omanyte, Omastar, , Ariados, Gligar, Mantine, , Sableye, Baltoy, Claydol, Anorith, Armaldo, Kyogre, Mantyke and Gliscor are all exclusive to Heart Gold.
~Here are some ways to get a Gliscor 1. Go to Poke Transfer to transfer an old Gliscor 2. Transfer a Gligar through Poke transfer 3. Go to GTS and Deposit a Pokemon to get one or Find a wild Gliscor in Pokemon black and white ===================THATS ALL I CAN HELP TY===================
You can only get gliscor in Pokemon emerald or you can use your radar to find him.I think he's near Etnera city. FAIL you can't get him in Pokemon emerald, you get gligar in it but gliscor can only be gotten through pearl/diamond/platinum
Gliscor is the evolved form of Gligar