To get it legitimately you need Pokémon Leaf-green. Choose Bulbasaur beat the Elite four and catch it in Random Grass Patches. Then transfer it into the pal park in Pokémon pearl.
Starter:Charmander-Suicune Squirtle-Raikou Bulbasaur-Entei
You can catch Palkia in Pearl and tranfer Dialga to pearl from diamond.
how to get shining Pokemon on pearl vershow can you get shining Pokemon in pearl version
What is the pokemon pearl ID?
you have to trade cyndaquil to pearl to get it
ENTel was created in 1948.
ENTel ended in 1990.
Nicolas Entel was born on August 14, 1975, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
To get it legitimately you need Pokémon Leaf-green. Choose Bulbasaur beat the Elite four and catch it in Random Grass Patches. Then transfer it into the pal park in Pokémon pearl.
Alicia Entel has written: 'Acerca de La Felicidad' 'Teorias de La Comunicacion' 'Escuela de Frankfurt' -- subject(s): Frankfurt school of sociology, History
Starter:Charmander-Suicune Squirtle-Raikou Bulbasaur-Entei
Lv 45 or somewhere around that
raikou, sucine, entel, mew, mewtwo, celbi, ho-oh, and lugia
Entel Bolivia is a telecommunications company in Bolivia. It is owned primarily by the Bolivia government.
Move on it is hard to let go some time but you have to learn that he or she did it for a reson and don't let them come bake they never know what thay have entel its gone
In Pokemon Diamond the only way you can get Entei is to migrate it from a gameboy game, trade on wi-fi, trade with a friend, use an action replay, or hack the game. Hope this helps!