eevee is in the old mansion. go inside nad keep going forward, in a room you shoudl find eevee. espeon is also somewhere in the mansionn in the corridors
The final deoxys event for Pokemon platinum ended. It was a download mission in Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs. You had to do it with 4 people. If you have the mission downloaded then you can get a deoxys everytime you beat the mission. Also to be able to play the mission you have to unlock the past missions in POkemon Ranger Guardian Signs.
a lady in a house next to the Pokemon center will give you an eevee
Take Eevee to the daycare center with another Pokemon. And make sure that these Pokemon are compatible with each other. Such as Eevee/Ditto, or Eevee/Eevee. You should also try breeding Eevee with other Pokemon to see if there compatible or not. If they 'get along or don't like each other much' you get an egg. If they play with more Pokemon then each other try another Pokemon because you won't be getting another Pokemon.
You don't. You have to trade an eevee to Pokemon Ruby to use one in the game.
Sorry, but the only way to obtain Eevee in Pokemon emerald, is to trade from Pokemon Fire read, or Leaf green. ;)
fall city is unt in Pokemon ranger guardian signs
latias is in Pokemon ranger signs.
do quests and catch legendary Pokemon to get signs
you can not
Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs (Part One) and Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs (Part Two) or SS022 and SS023