go to the lady in blackthorn city and she will say do you want your pokemon to learn draco meteor then he will trust you fully
No it doesn't, it learns it by move tutor in Blackthorn City
Really good ones
You cannot catch a dragonite in gold you have to just train a dragonair or dratini. Theyre usually in the dragons den . u can catch them with good rod or most likely super rod. sometimes w/ super rod u'll get dragonair. good luck!
Yes, shinies (gold magikarp, black charzard, ect) are stronger then normal pokemon,dragonite can't stand a chance against charizard with blast burn and it can also learn rock types
Dragon Breath doesn't exist in the Gameboy versions. It first appeared in the Gold/Silver/Crystal versions.
No you can't catch a Dragonite in Pokemon Black you need to trade him from Heart Gold,but instead u can catch a Dratini from Dragonspiral Tower
No it doesn't, it learns it by move tutor in Blackthorn City
Really good ones
yes indeed.if you want it i want a dragonite(level 30-50).
dratini evolves into dragonair at level 30. dragonair evolves into dragonite at level 55
Feraligatr, Dragonite or maybe Alakazam
You go to the dragons den (silver-soulsilver-gold-heartgold-crystal) and catch a Dratini train to lv 30 for dragonair and then to lv 55 for dragonite.
Great just of course watch out for specific trainers: Ice type trainers can easily defeat scyther and dragonite, Rock type trainers can beat dragonite, scyther and flareon, Electric type trainers can beat feraligatr and scyther. Your sixth Pokemon can be whatever you want just remember to be balanced.
no his p0kemon are lv 80 s
the team i have is scizor, dragonite, magmortar, jolteon, dusknoir, i need help with choosing the last one...i m thinking about rhyperior but not liking his speed.
I would say no the Pokemon are good but the team is not. If you were to have Feraligtr as a starter then Gyrados I think you should have Machamp or Ninetails.
He is benevolent with a heart of gold. - She is beautiful and she has a heart of gold.