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you get a dragatini from the casino and evolve it

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Q: How do you get Dragonite in Pokemon Blue?
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Can Pokemon Dragonite defeat Blue Eyes white dragon?

No doubt

Where do you find a Dragonite in Pokemon blue?

Dragonite cannot be found in the wild in this game. To get one, you'll have to evolve a Dragonair or trade with someone.

What is the best Pokemon team to use against the elete four in Pokemon Blue?

lapras, dragonite, nidoking,zapdos,and mew

What type is dragonite?

Dragonite is a dragon / flying type Pokemon.

Is the Pokemon dragonite a legendary?

No Dragonite is not a legendary, but it is a pseudo-legendary.

Does dragonair evolve into Dragonite in Pokemon Blue version?

it's better to do that

Is Dragonite a Legendary Pokemon?

Dragonite is not a legendary Pokemon only because it evolves. The dragonite evolves for a dratinti, then to a dragonair,and finally it evolves in to a dragonite. I hope that this can come in handy for every one else as it did for me.

Is Drago a Dragonite or Dragonair?

The Pokemon character Drago is not a Dragonite not a Dragonair. A Dragonite is a type of flying dragon Pokemon that evolves from a Dragonair when the character reaches level 55.

What would be a great team for Pokemon Blue?

I use Charizard, Lapras, Dragonite, Dugtrio, Raichu/Electabuzz, and Alakazam/Mewtwo.

What level does dragonair evolve in Pokemon indigo?

at level 55 in dragonite (note: dragonite is a pseudo legendary pokemon.)

Can you catch dragonite in Pokemon SoulSilver?

to get dragonite you have to evolve dragonair at lvl 55. that's the only way to get dragonite.

What level you get dragonite at in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Dragonair evolves into Dragonite at level 55.